Meet Slate – Gigabit Wireless Router for Security-savvy Travelers is their tag line and it seemed like it would fit my task perfectly as the router / uplink for my SDDC lab.
I basically needed something that could be versatile in terms of WAN connectivity whilst being able to live within the SDDC box and provide DNS / DHCP services.

Pretty much out of the box it provided everything I needed, and I only needed to customize a few things which can be found in the More Settings -> Advanced

System -> System
System Properties
Hostname - change to "router"
Timezone - change to "America/New York"
Time Synchronization
Provide NTP server (check)
System -> Administration
Dropbear Instance
Interface - change to LAN
Network -> DNS and DHCP
Server Settings - General Settings
Local Domain - change to
Network -> Hostnames
Change to